out of sight, out of mind
Documentation on loads of waters with special focus on the Danube - release June 5th 23
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In the recently completed documentary "TWO WAY STREET - out of sight, out of mind" Into.Wild addresses the pollution of watercourses with a focus on the Danube.
People who research the river, work with it or see it as their home talk about the challenges that the most international river in the world and the biodiversity it produces are confronted with and how humans, as the causative force, are also affected.
This documentary follows an impressive journey along the Danube in the summer of 2021. Thereby Michelle and Liam navigated the Danube in their ONE WAY BOAT - a specially constructed vehicle made from recycled materials - to draw attention to solid matter contamination of natural water resources. For this purpose, water samples were collected during the trip, which were analyzed for microplastics.
In the course of this trip, we realized the magnitude of the multitude of pressures on the Danube and the idea came up of making a documentary about it. This project then culminated in numerous collaborations and interviews, which reflect a spectrum of perspectives. TWO WAY STREET adopts a multidisciplinary approach and traces the fragile balance between conservation and exploitation of the natural jewel in the heart of Europe
Interview partners of the documentary film: Mag. Renate Paumann (Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology), Mag. Franz Wagner (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management), Prof. Dr. Andreas Fath (CLEANDANUBE/ Furtwangen University), Mag. Elisabeth Simböck (FH TECHNIKUM Vienna), Mag.art. Christina Gruber, MSC (LIFE STERLET), Dr. Kerstin Böck (World Wide Fund for Nature Austria), Dr. Paul Meulenbroek (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), MAG. AARON Scholz-Lechner, PHD, DAVID Ramler, PHD MSC and Liviu Simioncencu.
Film language: German (English subtitles planned)
Duration: 75 min
The documentary will be released on June 5th 2023 - World Environment Day. It will be available on our YouTube-Channel (see above).
The Premiere took place on March 1st 6.30pm at the nationalparkhaus wien-lobAU. Read more about that in this blog post.
You want to show the movie? Would you like to speak to us? Are you thinking of an event where this film would fit thematically? We are open to any inquiries: contact@intowild.at
This documentation was created in leisure time. All financial expenses were self funded.