Documentary film premiere
TWO WAY STREET - out of sight, out of mind
at nationalparkhaus wien-lobAU
March 1st, 2023
de/ en

Here is a little throwback to the film premiere "TWO WAY STREET - out of sight, out of mind" last Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 at the National Park House in wien-lobAU.
By 6:30 p.m. all seats were taken. We were able to welcome 100+ people in the audience that evening. For us, a confirmation that information about pollution of rivers of interest and educational and awareness-raising work in this area is in demand, if offered.
Before the start of the screening Dipl.-Ing.in Susanne Leputsch (National Park Coordinator, Forestry and Agricultural Enterprise of the City of Vienna) held introductory words. Afterwards, Liam gave an overview of the origins of Into.Wild and the motivation behind the adventure collective. He went into past projects and also offered an outlook into the future.
Since Michelle was in Lapland at the time, she was unfortunately unable to be there in person. She addressed the audience via video message.
After the screening, questions from the audience could be put to the administration of the national park house wien-lobAU and Liam. A lot was told out of the sewing box. This resulted in one or the other twist, which caused cheerful spirits on all sides.
The event came to an end at an informal exchange over drinks and rolls.
The event was free of charge. With his welcoming words Liam asked the audience for a donation in solidarity with children affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria and the war in Ukraine. We thank the audience for the amount of €164.60 that we were able to donate to UNICEF.
Many thanks for the organization and the great ambience Ing. Johann Berthold (management of the national car park wien-lobAU) and Dipl.-Ing.in Susanne Leputsch!
Thanks to the interested audience and the great exchange!

Before the screening, Liam gave a presentation about Into.Wild. Michelle couldn't be there in person but sent her greetings from Lapland, Sweden.

More than 100 people came to watch the documentary. This was far beyond our expectations.

The audience showed great interest in the pollution of running water.

After the premiere there was a Q&A session.

The answers to the questions caused cheerful spirits on all sides.